Jen and Kevin are so well-matched! They met when they were both freshmen at UNC and their friendship gradually grew within a group of friends who often dined together in the dining hall. It took Kevin almost 4 years to realize there was an attraction there. During their senior year things changed as they both found themselves free of any other love interest and some subtle flirting began. After one such flirtatious episode that involved a cap, they shared their first kiss. Their first date was Valentine's Day of 2009 when they enjoyed pizza and sneaked a bottle of wine into the movie theater! Since then they have rarely gone a day without seen each other--especially after Kevin found out what a good cook Jen is! The proposal happened in December of 2013 following a candlelit dinner at the Carolina Club and the wedding planning began.
Jen's father, Larry, has worked at Peace College for 30 years and Jen and Kevin really love the Dinwiddie Chapel there so that is where they chose to have their ceremony on Sunday August 10 2014, followed by a fun reception at Caffe Luna.
The majestic pipe organ was played by Mr. Hermann and it was so grand! He is good! On the altar are flowers by Kelly Odom. To the left is the beautiful wooden wine box and their sealed love letters on each side of the flowers ready to be placed in the box and locked up not to be opened until their first wedding anniversary and enjoyed with a glass of the wine.
On an easel greeting the guests as they arrived was a clever old window with photos and mementos. 
While Jen and her maidens were hidden away, their photographer Meg Niemczyk was getting the groom and his men to pose for some "academic" photos!!
Pinning on the boutonnieres!
The groomsmen and I were first to enter followed by the parents. When Kevin escorted his mother in, he then joined us up front.
Kevin's boss, Elizabeth, was our honorary wedding director. She did a super job and everything went exactly as planned. Thanks, Elizabeth!
The last of the pretty bridesmaids to enter in their pretty apple red dresses. Red weddings are so gorgeous! 
Larry beamed the whole time as he proudly escorted his beautiful daughter down the aisle! 
After bidding Dad goodbye, the bride and groom stepped up to the higher level to join me for the ceremony. 
Telling their story! We had some good laughs here but......
Even better laughs with "Jen looks forward to being able to hang out with her best friend every day for the rest of her life and having someone around who will eat anything when her culinary experiments go wrong!"
They chose the "I do" type of vows where I ask the questions and they answer "I do." 
Then the rings....
After the rings they walked to the altar and put their love letters in the box with the wine and wine glasses and locked it.
A closing blessing, then the pronouncement of marriage, then......
The new Mr. and Mrs.! 
What a great couple! 
Jen and Kevin, what can I say? I loved your wedding. It was perfect for you. I am honored to have had the privilege of joining you in marriage! I know you are so happy and I wish for you all the best!

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